Educational credits

An educational class for Architects held by expert teachers

Accredited Organizations

Educational credits - GammaStone
Educational credits - GammaStone

We provide the most qualified speakers for courses specially created to make you earn credits and achieve your educational goals.

The training courses are designed to provide architecture professionals with in-depth knowledge of the innovative technologies used in the construction industry, as well as the latest trends and best practices. The courses are taught by industry experts with years of experience, and are designed to be interactive and educational.

Topics of the courses

Educational credits - GammaStone

Carbon Zero and Sustainability

Educational credits - GammaStone

Energy Efficiency

Educational credits - GammaStone

Enviromental Performances (leed and bream)

Educational credits - GammaStone

Tests and Certifications

Educational credits - GammaStone

Fire Resistance

Educational credits - GammaStone

Thermal and Acoustic performance

Request the program of the courses, either online or in person.